NOTE: Hey, thanks for the interest in the stuff I do but this page is no longer maintained. You're better off contacting me or looking at my LinkedIn profile.

Part of a team that developed: HTML slice, partial SAP Hybris CMS integration, JSP, AngularJS integration for product configurator

Pripreme POMAK calculator
(Wordpress plugin) calculates the percentage one needs to score in individual courses for college enrollment.

(Wordpress theme) Simple & responsive WordPress theme that uses Bootstrap modals as it's main component

Welcome! Mobile
(Wordpress plugin) Display a welcome message - Target mobile users in general or Android & Apple device users.

(Wordpress theme) Two Blocks, a simple two-container theme inspired by the awesome Dropbox Guide website.
NOTE: Hey, thanks for the interest in the stuff I do but this page is no longer maintained (maybe in the future, eh 🙂). You’re better off contacting me or looking at my LinkedIn profile.